Indonesia after Economic Crisis: A Poverty Issues

This is some interesting points from a book entitle “Indonesian Living Standards Three Years After the Crisis: Evidence from the Indonesian Family Live Survey” written by Center for Population & Policy Studies Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, RAND, and Partnership for Economic Growth USAID. Real per capita GDP rose four-fold between 1965-1995. with annual growth rate averaging 4.5% per year. The

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Institutional Aspects of Agriculture Development in Japan

A Summary of Chapter II of the Agricultural Development of Japan: a Century’s Perspectives, by Hayami, Y. and S. Yamada, 1991, University of Tokyo Press. Transition to Modern Agricultural Growth The society was under rigid hierarchical class structure during Tokugawa regime, in that social mobility was low, and occupations were determined by blood. Based on this class, the feudal lords

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Energy, It is really our problems

When you see this picture you will probably ask whether there is a relationship between the coconut tree and our energy problems. I say yes! This is one of the energy source and the way to adapt to a limited acces to the commercial energy or let we say the oils for rural communities. I took this picture when I

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Penjualan Pulau: Isu di Bulan Maret

Penjualan pulau ternyata bukan hanya berita isapan jempol. Pulau Sultan di kepulauan Riau sempat diiklankan di website walaupun kemudian diumumkan tidak ada pulau yang dijual di wilayah Indonesia oleh media/perusahaan yang sama (klik disini). Rupanya beberapa media dalam negeri terus memberitakan iklan tersebut, seperti Waspada Online 1 Maret, Antara News 3 Maret, 4 Maret, dan Gatra 5 Maret. Sebelumnya,

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Indonesian Marine Capture Fishery: A Limit to Grow

Since 1999, government declared fishery and marine based industry as one of the national economic prime mover. The high economy potential of the bio-resources was believed could potentially drive the growth of the national economy particularly in the coastal rural areas. This paper tried to map the footprint of the marine fishery growth since the early era of Indonesia and

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Kreativitas ditengah kelangkaan sumberdaya

Teluk Penyu, pertama kali saya datang di teluk ini dipertengahan 1990an untuk sekadar menyelami bagian permukaan dari dinamika masyarakat pesisir. Akhir tahun 1990an sampai di tahun-tahun terakhr ini lebih sering saya mengujunginya untuk bisa sedikit banyak belajar dari masyarakat ini. Terakhir saya datang September 2005 yang lalu, setelah selama dua bulan Agustus-September tahun sebelumnya “bolak-balik” Jogja-Cilacap untuk mengumpulkan sampel ikan

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Implication to Management of Marine Capture Fisheries Bioeconomic Model

This paper was published as Suadi, Soeparno, R. Widaningroem, 2003, Implication to Management of Marine Capture Fisheries Bioeconomic Model. GMU Journal of Fisheries Science V(1): 16-24. (In Indonesian language). Small-scale marine capture fisheries contributed to community welfare at Yogyakarta’s south coast. Government has planned some programs to develop fisheries. The development supposed only at rational effort in which fishers still

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Small Pelagic Fisheries in Bay Area

This paper was published as Suadi, 2002, Small Pelagic Fisheries in Bay Area: A Case Study at Sape Bay West Nusa Tenggara. Journal of Fisheries Science IV(1): 27 -32. (In Indonesian) Abstract The aims of this research were to know the state of pelagic fishery and social economic aspek of resources exploitation. To examine these issues the research combined survey

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Lobster Resources at the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta

This paper was published as Suadi, R. Widaningroem, Soeparno, N. Probosunu. 2001. Study on Lobster Resources at the Southern Coast of Yogyakarta Special Region. Journal of Indonesian Aquatic and Fisheries Special Edition Crustacean 1(2): 33-42. (In Indonesian Language) Abstract The aims of this paper were to explore lobster resources and its exploitation at the southern coastal of Yogyakarta. Capture fisheries

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