Implication to Management of Marine Capture Fisheries Bioeconomic Model

Small-scale marine capture fisheries contributed to community welfare at Yogyakarta’s south coast. Government has planned some programs to develop fisheries. The development supposed only at rational effort in which fishers still gain advantages. Bioeconomic model of Gordon-Schaefer was applied to analyze the issue. CPUE and effort linear regression model is C/f=59,851-0,0005f (R2=82.71%). Fish price assumed at Rp 7,735.19/kg and cost at Rp 59,835.67/trip. Total revenue and effort at MSY management model was predicted at Rp 13.396 billion and 56,860 trip (equals to 327 vessels), respectively. Fisher income at this level is Rp 167,774.51/trip/vessel. Fish exploitation has closed to TAC. Free access equilibrium in which cost is equal to revenue will reach at effort of 102,231 trip (equals to 568 vessels). Managing fisheries at MEY will raise fisher income 17.83% compare to MSY, but total revenue decreased 1.77% at effort only at 56.13% of existing trip. Implications to management of model are how to regulate fisheries at rational efforts and what programs should be promoted. Some management strategies those possible to develop are 1) bordering investment through regulation and permission; 2) rising fishers productivity through technology improvement to exploit under-used fish resources; 3) fisheries extend to offshore through harbor development and social preparation; 4) marketing improvement through revitalization of fish auction; 5) improving handling and post harvest fish technology through training and education; 6) increasing bargaining position through empowering fishers group; 7) promoting alternate incomes through integrated coastal tourism development; and 8) avoiding competition and conflict through developing Java’s south coast cooperation. Participatory approach in planing, developing and evaluating should be promoted to develop Yogyakarta’s south coast.
(Picture: Sadeng fish harbor in DI Yogyakarta Province, picture by Eko Setyobudi)
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