Prevention and Controlling of Invasive Alien Species in Indonesia

This paper was published as Untung, K., S. Nugroho, Suputa, Suadi, Triharjoko. 2001. Prevention and Controlling of Invasive Alien Species in Indonesia. Academic Paper Prepared for Regulation Policy of Invasive Alien Species in Indonesia. State Ministry of Environment Affairs and Faculty of Agriculture Gadjah Mada University. (In Indonesian Language) Abstract Indonesia is famed for its megabiodiversity. It is predicted 25%

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The State of Riverine Ecosystem and Fish Exploitation

This is an abstract of Suadi, Soeparno, N. Probosunu, B. Kamulyan, and S.P. Saraswati, 2001. The State of Riverine Ecosystem and Fish Exploitation: Case in Downstream of Opak-Oya River Basin Yogyakarta Special Region. In Nakamura, R., S.H. Brotowiryanto, Nizam, D. Luknanto, and B. Triatmodjo (eds), Proceeding of International Symposium on Fishway and Tropical River Eco-hydraulics. Gadjah Mada University, IAHR, State

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From Farmers to Fishers: A Historical of Fishing Community in Yogyakarta

Abstarct of a paper with title “Dari Petani Menjadi Nelayan: Kajian Historis Perikanan Tangkap Pantai Selatan Yogyakarta” (Suadi, 2002. From Farmers Become Fishers: A Historical Study of Fishing Activities at Yogyakarta’s south coast. GMU Journal of Fisheries Science IV(1): 05-12) The aims of this research were to understand the history of fisheries activity and its contribution to coastal community at

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Pagi di Pantai Kuwaru: Perubahan di Pesisir

Saya sering mengujungi pantai ini, minimal sekali setahun saya datang mengunjunginya. Pak Ponijo adalah salah seorang nelayan yang dulunya petani yang saya kenal baik. Saya pertama kali bertemu dengan beliau dalam survei rencana pembangunan pelabuhan di awal tahun 2000. Dari sana saya bisa mengikuti kehidupan nelayan-nelayan baru ini. Tahun pertama saya mendapatkan wacana menarik yang melandasi perubahan dari petani menjadi

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Kebhinekaan Nusantara

Argumen akan pemikiran persuasif menyatakan bahwa Indonesia yang kepulauan dari segi geografis, beragam dalam peradaban, dan heterogen dalam kebudayaan, akan maju kalau menerima serta menganggap perbedaan sebagai modal, dan akan terpecah belah kalau mengingkari dan menyembunyikan perbedaan itu (Geertz, 1971) (Foto dari berbagai sumber online) Let`s share knowledges, sciences, and experiences Technology, Partnership & Equality

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Wanita Nelayan: Antara Peran Domestik & Produktif

Abstract This article summaries the important roles of women in coastal rural areas of Indonesia. They are not only playing important role on domestic-based activities, but also in the productive activities to support their family economy. The women plays important role as a fishery product traders, processors, and other marketing-based activities. They also do pioneering on the development of rural-based

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Message from the Reliefs of Borobudur Temple

Besides symbolizing the Buddhist thought about the existence of the universe, the Borobudur relieves might also depict the people way of life, one of which a maritime tradition of the archipelagos until the 9th century. The establishment of Majapahit, the Javanese maritime empire, in the end of 13th century and the other coastal based kingdom delineated their dominance over the

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