Since 1999, government declared fishery and marine based industry as one of the national economic prime mover. The high economy potential of the bio-resources was believed could potentially drive the growth of the national economy particularly in the coastal rural areas. This paper tried to map the footprint of the marine fishery growth since the early era of Indonesia and recommend a few alternatives fishery management for the future development. The statistical records and some secondary sources were used to delineated how the fishery growth. Since the early of 1900s fishery has extended its frontier through modernization. In the last half century (1951-2001), the fishery production grew dynamically and tended to limit to grow in the current period (1999-2001). While fisher numbers grew higher than production and fishing boats in some periods. Based on the fishing boats structure, the coastal-base was dominating current fishery industry (75%). Heavy exploitation and depletion of the bio-resources might challenge the sustainability of this industry, thus rethinking current fishery management is required. Following were some of the alternatives including 1) rethinking the fishing rights, 2) improving the fishery industry structure, 3) strengthen the monitoring, controlling, and surveillance (MCS) system, 4) incentives for resource conservation and rehabilitation including its habitat, and 5) integrating fishery into overall coastal rural development.
For ditails please visit my paper on Inovasi Online March 2006 (please note the production data supposed in thousand tons)
(Picture: tradisional fisher in Madura Island)
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